Business technology for 2023

We are currently in the middle of the second half of 2022. For many, this time represents a foretaste of the end of the year: stores start to display their Christmas merchandise and in more than a few places you start to see the typical December decorations. In line with this, this is also the time when announcements begin to be made about what is to come in the following year. For businesses, then, it is a time of great importance, as it involves reviewing the trends that are forecast for 2023 in relation to technology for process management.

So, although this list can be modified in the coming months remaining of this year 2022, it allows managers and executives to get an idea of the clearest management trends through the facilities of the new IT and digital tools of this era. This is important both because of the acceleration of new developments, as well as the uncertainty that the global scenario presents today:

There is growing uncertainty on how to move past the most recent challenges resulting from supply chain issues, war in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, difficulty finding talent, and the evolving financial crisis. To overcome those, some businesses will cut costs, others will continue with existing expansion plans, and some will change the direction of their business strategy completely. (

Technology will no longer be just an aid that supports the business, but will become the essential ally of organizations. A good technological solution can be the difference between a company’s success and failure.

Artificial intelligence, the main trend for 2023

We use smart algorithms every time we search the internet, shop online, navigate as we travel, choose how we entertain ourselves, manage our schedules, and carry out countless tasks – both creative and mundane […] The hype isn’t going to end any time soon. AI has been described by Google CEO Sundar Pichai as “more significant than fire or electricity” in terms of the impact it will have on human civilization. The maturing ecosystem of no-code AI solutions and as-a-service platforms will continue to make it more accessible. With technology infrastructure and (to some extent) budget no longer a hard barrier to entry, those with good ideas will be able to create new AI-enhanced products and services which simplify or enhance our lives. (

Any form of machine intelligence autonomy is welcome in business, as it makes it easier for teams to concentrate on essential aspects of the business, such as the creation of new products or the redesign of the organization’s model. The most important recommendation is always to make sure that the implemented solution is really useful for our company.

Blockchain for business in 2023

The cybersecurity technology that emerged with the use of cryptocurrencies has become a strong trend for data protection in all types of organizations. For businesses, this represents an advance in the security they can offer their customers and partners. Therefore, for the coming year we will see a greater increase in investment in this type of technology.

The questions asked about trust in 2023 will revolve around the principle of decentralization. This means removing ultimate control of an organization, company, or process from any one central point of ownership, using decentralized networking built around consensus and encryption. These are the building blocks of blockchain, which is really just a way of storing data or running programs that are spread across multiple computers and can’t be interfered with by anyone who isn’t supposed to. (

The Internet of Things and the interconnection of everything with everything.

The third clearest trend will be to continue establishing links between different aspects of the business. For this, the use of networks and the Internet is fundamental, and this will seek to reach the greatest possible extent, by communicating objects, people, processes, in what is known as the Internet of Things: “its impact on our lives will continue to be felt strongly in 2023 […] In 2023, we will see further work on the development of global standards and protocols that devices can use to talk to each other. This means they will work more effectively and be capable of assisting us with a broader range of tasks” (

As we can see from all this, in general terms the trend will continue to be automation, which is the consequence of both the interconnectedness of the Internet of Things and the use of artificial intelligence. Businesses are therefore still looking for ways to make their processes work in a more seamless and articulated way, to deliver better results to their customers.

With our Dexon Business Process Management solution, which serves to automate processes, we have helped all of our customers to move safely towards this technological revolution, as our solution provides a gradual automation that allows the entire team to align with the business strategy and with the advantages of technology. So, with this clear base, it is then easier to adapt all kinds of new functionalities, such as AI or the Internet of Things.

Post of interest

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