Business Process Management and corporate governance
Business Process Management and corporate governance Linkedin Youtube Facebook Instagram A company is a group of people with a common
In the study of the physiology of any living being, we try to know the complete functioning of the organism. To achieve this, scientists divide the system into different parts, learn about their independent functions and then think about how these parts function as a whole. Thus, through the addition of parts we get to know the whole. The reason for doing this is that it is easier to know the small parts first and then try to understand the larger.
In the same way, to automate a process it is necessary to first know what it is composed of, what its parts are and how many there are, and then to know how those parts interact. To automate the operation of a company, it is also important to know first the isolated parts that allow understanding the overall operation. So, the first thing to do is to know what the processes consist of at their basic levels.
A business process is a collection of business tasks and activities that when performed by people or systems in a structured course, produces an outcome that contributes to business goals. Processes are everywhere in a business. From onboarding new employees, to exit interviews, vendor invoicing, and sales. Every business outcome is a result of repeatable tasks and activities. (blog.processology.net)
Knowing these aspects is important for management as well as for employees, because it helps to understand the fundamental role that each one plays in the total system. Thus, each person can value his activity and understand how this activity is part of a great project that ends up satisfying the needs of the clients and moving forward the commerce and income of the organization and of the individual person. Thus, in addition, the worker’s satisfaction will be greater and his commitment to his work will also grow.
Activities. Activities can be understood as the basic units of processes. It is like the atom in matter: that which can no longer be broken down into smaller pieces. An activity or action can be answering a call, writing a report with financial information or closing the door when leaving an office with sensitive documentation for the organization.
The activities relate to each other to generate the total process. Even more important than the action, is the relationship of that action with other activities, since the coordination of the movements is what generates the final result.
Event. The event is the necessary conditions for the beginning of an initial activity that, together with others, will compose a total process: “Events are the conditions which must exist for the process to be performed. It is something that happens as opposed to something that is done on purpose. It can think of as the effect which occurs after sufficient cause is provided. Each process starts and ends with an event” (managementstudyguide.com).
Input and output. An input is the trigger, it is the initial stimulus, which comes from the event and triggers the process. For example, a request from a customer is an input, a request from a manager for a report is an input, and so on. The input comes from outside the process and triggers it. The output is what comes out of the process, the final result: a product, a service, a communication, a response to customers. It is from these results that the effectiveness of the activities and the overall process can be measured.
Information. Although it is often not taken into account as part of the processes, it is necessary to keep in mind that information is the basis of a correct workflow: “The correct information needs to be made available to all the entities in the process. The worker must have the skill and must be well versed with the procedure. The manager must get continuous feedback to ensure that the production is on target and as planned” (managementstudyguide.com).
Decisions. Based on the information that flows continuously from one side of the process to the other, decisions are made at key points of the operation. This is necessary, because even though there is planning, it must be considered that difficulties or unforeseen things may arise at any time. That is why it is necessary to make last-minute decisions, and these can only be successful if they are based on reliable information that is known by a good number of those involved in the decision.
With Dexon Business Process Management suite we can know all these elements before the operation starts. The tool has a functionality for modeling and mapping processes in which possible events are identified and, for each one, the types of inputs and the ways to respond to them. Above all, the tool allows those responsible for each activity to have real-time information and communication to keep the workflow in motion and ensure that timelines are met to perfection. Thus, customers rely more and more on the organization and the technology becomes a value generator.
Business Process Management and corporate governance Linkedin Youtube Facebook Instagram A company is a group of people with a common
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