Artificial intelligence for business optimization

Perhaps the technological trend that is currently the strongest and the one that is transforming people’s lives the most is artificial intelligence. The most amazing thing about this technology is to think that a machine, created by human beings, can surpass people in their work and thinking capabilities. This, of course, has also started to be applied to companies around the world. Mainly, artificial intelligence is used to optimize business and facilitate the activities of the people who develop them.

However, because it is such a new technology, it is still misunderstood by many people and feared by others. For some, it is nothing more than an advancement of the traditional technological tools already known; for others, it is the most serious threat to human work and to people’s ability to lead businesses and make decisions. The reality, however, is neither of these two extremes.

It is true, moreover, that artificial intelligence has reached unimaginable levels of efficiency:

Advances in AI over the past decade have been nothing short of astounding. Thanks to advances in computing power and the ever-increasing data available to train models, growth in AI and machine learning (ML) has been exponential. Machines can now teach themselves to play and beat the best players in the world in skilled games like chess, Go and countless other digital strategy games. And of greater consequence, machines have even proven better than humans at detecting early-stage lung cancer. (

But used well, all these possibilities can mean sustained growth for companies of any type of commercial activity, regardless of their size or business model. For this reason, it is essential to think carefully about how to make the best use of their possibilities: “It is incumbent on managers to evaluate and understand this new technology and how it could be incorporated across their organizations” (Id.).

Business with artificial intelligence and sustained growth

The main challenge facing business managers and executives around the world is that of change: the environment is constantly changing and with it the conditions of our organization. This means that an action that today may be beneficial for the company may be disastrous in three weeks or the following year, because nothing remains static in terms of the economy, customer tastes, equipment possibilities, etc.

Therefore, knowing with a high degree of certainty what is the most opportune action in a certain circumstance, not only for its immediate effects, but also for its possible long-term consequences, is one of the fundamental virtues of a manager or an executive. It is this ability that ensures the continued growth of the business and its constant improvement. Now, in an environment that is not only changing, but changing at a pace never seen before, in a world with major financial crises and emerging technologies with their associated products, this ability to predict has become very difficult to achieve. But artificial intelligence has been one of the tools that have come to help strengthen it.

Companies that utilize machine learning and data in their decision-making processes are able to make more confident decisions when they have data to support them. They can set logical and concrete benchmarks that enable them to track the impact of their decisions along the way. Data-driven companies are also more proactive. By using data to better understand their products, customers and operations, they can drive change in the most critical areas. These changes result in greater speed, more efficiency, lower costs and increased profits. (

With the use of artificial intelligence, data can be taken in real time, predictive analysis can be performed, and constant advice can be received from the tool to know what are the best decisions according to present and future conditions. Thus, the great change that technology brings is that it forces us to rely on data and analyzed information and not on the analytical capacity of managers: “Fully data-driven companies trust the process and the data they’ve collected and use it to augment their decisions. This is true from the highest levels of the organization all the way down to front-line employees” (

To achieve these levels of automation and to be fully data-driven organizations, it is necessary to have a clear plan for the transition to digital. The best way to achieve this is through a Business Process Management solution, such as the one we offer at Dexon Software. This is an easy-to-implement tool that integrates all aspects of the business into a single automation system. Thus, all the information is available, both in real time and in the past.

With this, the analyses that any artificial intelligence solution can offer become possible, and a coherent operation and decisions that take into account all aspects of the business are guaranteed.

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