How BPM aligns with the organization’s strategy

An organization is a group of people, resources, techniques, and knowledge that work together in a coordinated manner. What allows them to have this coordination is that they all have the same goal, towards which the actions and movements of the whole team are directed. And it is also the organizational goal that determines the best strategy that can be used to reach it.

In addition to the goal, the strategy must also consider the type of knowledge the organization has, the financial resources it must pay for different services and technologies, the times it must meet in relation to its customers, the regulations and laws of the regions where it operates, among other things. Thus, the organizational strategy is the result of a careful analysis of these variables and how to put them into operation in the most efficient way.

Today, technology has become the basis of business operations and there is no company that does not make use of the information technology innovations that are available. Therefore, establishing a corporate strategy is also today a task that needs technology, and an automation tool is the best help we can find for this task.

When clearly defined, a corporate strategy will work to establish the overall value of a business, set strategic goals and motivate employees to achieve them. It is a continuous process that should be carefully tailored to respond appropriately to changing conditions in the marketplace. Several components are involved in developing a comprehensive corporate strategy. The four most widely accepted key components of corporate strategy are visioning, objective setting, resource allocation, and prioritization. (

BPM and corporate strategy

BPM software serves to link into a single integrated workflow the entire company’s operation. For this, it takes all actions and tasks and organizes them to generate an effective work scheme with a large number of automated activities.

This means that it has clarity about those tasks, their timing and the people responsible for each one. Thus, BPM becomes a tool that, in addition to automating activities, serves to give the organization a clear vision of its own elements and thus helps to make strategy planning simpler and more reliable. This is achieved with the proper use of the process modeler included in the BPM tool.

A business process model is a graphical representation of a business process or workflow and its related sub-processes. Process modeling generates comprehensive, quantitative activity diagrams and flowcharts containing critical insights into the functioning of a given process […] Process models are not made manually. Rather, they are produced by data-mining algorithms that use the data contained within event logs to construct models of the workflows as they exist. (

So, in reality, BPM is aligned to the corporate strategy, but it also helps to deeply evaluate it to know if it needs modifications in any of its essential aspects. Corporate strategy and BPM are aspects that complement and feed each other if the solution is used properly.

In this sense, if the strategy that the organization is using turns out to be the most effective, then the BPM will simply serve to streamline tasks and strengthen the processes of continuous improvement and process quality review. But, if bottlenecks are detected in the workflow, uselessly repeated tasks, unnecessary elements, it is possible to rethink the entire strategy and find shorter and more efficient ways to achieve the goals.

An effective corporate strategy is founded upon honest self-evaluation, which is derived by asking key questions about your business – what is the current state of your company, where do you want your company to be in the next three to five years, how does your company get there, and what people, resources and finances are best capable of helping your company arrive there? (

For this equation to work well requires a competent team of information analysts who can take the information available from the BPM and extract from it what is critical for organizational improvement. It is a process that involves relying on the services of the BPM and those who interpret its data and adjust the strategy.

The task that we at Dexon have set ourselves is precisely to be our clients’ allies and to be able to implement our BPM solution not only to automate tasks, but to give the company a clear vision of its possibilities, and to be able to suggest changes and adjustments that serve to give more value to the business. Our tool adapts to the systems in use in the organization and aligns them with the proposed strategy and helps to discover what is unnecessary to eliminate it and what is essential to include it if it has not been done, and to improve it if it is already in operation.

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