Business Process Management and corporate governance
Business Process Management and corporate governance Linkedin Youtube Facebook Instagram A company is a group of people with a common
Mining in general consists of going deep into the earth to search, among regular stones, for the special minerals that occur in it. In other words, it consists of searching for treasures scattered in the earth, trying to separate what is valuable from what is not so valuable. With that, an everyday environment is used to turn it into something that gives value to the person. Data mining works in exactly the same way: in the everyday medium of information, treasures are searched for, which, in the case of business, are the relevant data that can be transformed into knowledge. This is the use of data mining in business.
Just as in the physical mine, in data mining we have a large amount of information and, dispersed in that data, other important information that can be used for decision making or to better understand the behavior of the business. But, to access that information, you need the right tools, just as miners have their picks and flashlights, and all the right technology.
These specific technologies for data mining are another of the many information technologies that have followed a rapid evolutionary development and improvement in recent decades, perhaps because of the increase in the number of data that are handled today in businesses and institutions of all kinds:
Data mining, also known as knowledge discovery in data (KDD), is the process of uncovering patterns and other valuable information from large data sets. Given the evolution of data warehousing technology and the growth of big data, adoption of data mining techniques has rapidly accelerated over the last couple of decades, assisting companies by transforming their raw data into useful knowledge. However, despite the fact that that technology continuously evolves to handle data at a large-scale, leaders still face challenges with scalability and automation. (ibm.com)
As with artificial intelligence, robotics or predictive data analytics, it is necessary to understand how businesses can benefit from data mining: “Data mining has improved organizational decision-making through insightful data analyses. The data mining techniques that underpin these analyses can be divided into two main purposes; they can either describe the target dataset or they can predict outcomes through the use of machine learning algorithms” (ibm.com).
There is perhaps no more important event in this century in relation to the change in the use of technology than the coronavirus pandemic that began in 2020. Motivated by all the protective and disease mitigation measures, companies introduced different methodologies for remote work and for streamlining processes that previously did not use specific devices or functionalities.
In this context of information acceleration, data mining can be definitive for the benefits it brings: “These methods are used to organize and filter data, surfacing the most interesting information, from fraud detection to user behaviors, bottlenecks, and even security breaches” (ibm.com).
One of the main added values of data mining is to learn how to better predict customer behavior in order to provide them with a better service, according to their needs: “One of the most important benefits of data mining is that it can help organizations understand the past behavior of both their customers and prospects. This understanding can provide a wealth of knowledge about what products or services to offer, how to position them, what prices to charge, and more” (curiousdesire.com)
Then, based on this knowledge, the company can adapt its products and services so that its results are better, more effective and are done with less effort, since data mining is the most effective way to achieve the best results: “it can help create products and services that are differentiated from those offered by competitors. This gives companies a huge advantage, as they can provide new or better product offerings than their competitors do” (curiousdesire.com). In an age of fast-paced technology, this can make the difference between a company’s success or its downfall.
To start thinking about a data mining process, it is essential to have a process automation base. With this implementation, the information will move through digital tools that record and store it in data warehouses for further examination through data mining. Thus, automation can be understood as the first stage of data mining. With the Dexon Business Process Management tool we can have the automation and at the same time ensure that the information is there available to then implement everything related to data mining and all the tools we want to integrate without having to stop the operation.
Business Process Management and corporate governance Linkedin Youtube Facebook Instagram A company is a group of people with a common
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