BPM optimizes the delivery of medical drugs to patients

One of the tasks producing the mayor challenges to the entities in charge of healthcare is the delivery and distribution of medicines for patients. In Dexon we know, from our own experience, that BPM solution optimizes the medicine delivery, thanks to its ability to organize and automate the processes in organizations. In this way, technologies are serving not only to corporate processes in an entity, but also to the health conditions of a great number of people that can be sick and needing this optimization for maintaining a good health level. 

During pandemic times, as the ones we are living, there is the evidence of an increased need of the great utility there is in the extreme optimization of processes in the companies delivering heatlh services all over the planet. In this way, we will be able to diminish in some way the negative impact that so many people are living not only by the coronavirus, but also by all the affections and diseases that are still unavoidable in human life and that are somehow being unattended due to the urgency of the virus; thus, many people cannot be attended as faster as it was before.  

The way in which BPM improves the distribution of medicines has to do with its capacity for coordinating the activities in a general process: with BPM it is possible to have a clear goal for the business or the process and, from there, stablish all the actions that must be generated for getting this result in the stablished schedules and with characteristics set by the organization management. In this case, the result is that each person can get the medicine they need and receive it with a minimum of waiting time, and without a waste of energy.  

As such a process requires different aspects that must be in constant communication in order to validate information, there is always the tendency to have process delays, communication failures, crossed information, delays for the patient, unnecessary actions for a persona that, most of the times, because of their health conditions, cannot be going from place to place for solving the acquiring of the medicine. BPM eliminate all these failures and allow institutions to fulfill their purpose and patients to receive what they need for taking care of their health.  

Why is it necessary to use BPM for optimizing medicine delivery?

According to an interesting article from the Villanova University, the need for using technology in order to optimize processes regarding healthcare in not new:  

Healthcare has historically been a manually intensive business, with patient admissions, charts, billing, and care performed in a hands-on manner. In addition, a shift away from primary care toward an increasing number of options for delivering patient care has resulted in more referrals, research, forms and diagnoses. Healthcare spending increased, while efficiencies decreased. Waste was also prevalent, with billions wasted annually worldwide (villanovau.com). 

This historic condition of health industry force it to implement optimizations in order to avoid the collapse that might come from not being able to cope with the pressures that the industry is living and for respond with responsibility to the challenges of the current world. Besides these pressures, in a time of pandemic, these challenges grow even bigger and bigger. 

Let’s suppose, as an example, an institution delivering health services that must give 10.000 medicines. Each person receiving them requires a different medicine and a specific dose. This already generates a great challenge. If, in addition, we think that each person is going to have access to these medications through an insurance institution, we will understand that this process has a great complexity related to billing and payments, which also includes the bank entities that must transfer the money, the accountability, etc. 

The success in this process will depend on each of the parts of the operation to be in the right communication with the rest of the participating parts. If this doesn’t happen, the patient will begin to have obstacles for receiving their medications: they will be said that the payment has not been done, or that the buying order is not ready or that the doctor in charge hasn´t deliver the order yet. 

BPM improves the process for medicine delivery by integrating all these activities in a single workflow. Through that, it can forge “links that capture information not covered by existing applications and provide information more quickly to expedite patient care”. It will also be able to “bridge gaps from manual functions, such as face-to-face or email patient interactions that can raise costs and place an organization at risk of non-compliance” (villanovau.com).  

For that reason, when  

BPM is at the core of a healthcare organization’s approach to business, it allows people, systems and information to interact with greater consistency. BPM can fundamentally change the way the business of healthcare is accomplished, with less waste, cost savings, streamlined processes, increased compliance and better patient care (villanovau.com). 

There are several companies that deliver health services that Dexon has helped to optimize their processes. Through it we have seen how employees and managers’ satisfaction has improved and, most importantly, the circumstances for patients’ health has become better and better.   

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