How to know if we have the right cybersecurity in place

Cybersecurity has become a very serious issue for businesses. Information technology, along with the Internet, has connected everything around the world and in doing so has opened up endless possibilities for communication, learning and human relationships. However, in doing so it has also exposed the great vulnerability of information: there are many attacks that institutions around the world have suffered in relation to their cyber and information security, and there are many times when not only organizations, but also private citizens related to them, have seen their privacy at risk. That is why we must know if we have the appropriate cybersecurity systems in place in our organization.

Having this clarity will help us protect our money and that of our customers. This is usually the first consideration for managers and administrators:

Most people understand the immediate financial risk of a cyber-attack or data breach. The staggeringly high numbers are frequently plastered on front-page headlines, making it abundantly clear what’s at stake. According to the most recent industry data, companies can expect to spend more than $4 million recovering from a data breach, a substantial price that seems to go up yearly. (

However, in addition to money, there are more abstract assets, but no less important for a business and for its permanence at the top levels of competitiveness and customer confidence:

The repercussions go far beyond just immediate monetary costs. Reputation damage, which is difficult to quantify, negatively impacts everything from brand loyalty to future customer acquisition. At the same time, opportunity costs from a cybersecurity incident further increase the expense for companies. (

According to Forbes, an information portal specialized in technology, there are some keys that allow us to evaluate our cybersecurity system to know if it has what is required to protect our information and our business. This review is increasingly important in small, medium and large companies.

Cybersecurity and use of the cloud

The cloud is today one of the most important resources for companies. This saves on storage costs, because it avoids that processes, information, communications, should be based on servers that cost more money to the organization. However, due to its totally virtual nature, the cloud is one of the main targets of hackers, and the organization must ensure that it is not possible to infiltrate the organization’s data warehouses by this means. 

The best virtual security is internal security

Not infrequently cyber-attacks on organizations are planned and executed by people who have permissions to access information. Many times, unscrupulous employees or managers prefer to damage the company to get a deal with criminal groups.

Therefore, cybersecurity systems must be able to detect this type of mismanagement, by means of a review that discovers anomalies in the behavior of the information: “Companies need to activate human intelligence to account for insider threats, equipping all stakeholders to report potentially problematic behavior to an established and communicated chain of command” (

Do employees know the best form of cybersecurity?

The training of the people who carry out activities in the organization is fundamental. Many of the major information thefts have occurred because a worker did not realize that he was being tricked into providing confidential company information, thus opening the door for hackers and cybercriminals.

One of the most common examples of this is phishing, which has been the way into companies for many information thieves: “Collectively, phishing is the most common cause of a data breach, and malicious messages are becoming more difficult to detect. Many phishing emails no longer contain the egregious spelling or syntax errors that were once tell-tale signs of fraud” (

Therefore, proper training that teaches how to prevent these attacks and provides guidelines on how to handle cyber security is essential for the security of our money and data:

Fortunately, phishing scam awareness training works. When coupled with digital accountability measures that ensure people are following cybersecurity best practices, like enabling two-factor authentication and using strong, unique passwords for all accounts, companies can be confident that a single email won’t cause a significant cybersecurity incident. (

As a provider of systems for automation and business improvement, at Dexon we are aware of all these risks that technology brings. Therefore, all our solutions are designed to offer software with strict security protocols and so that employees and managers know how to use these tools in the safest and most reliable way. Thus, our solution not only optimizes the business, but also manages to strengthen it in computer security, the most important in today’s virtual world.

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