Automation and hyperautomation

Are you starting an automation process and don’t know whether to continue with this alternative or look for hyperautomation? Have you heard this new term and don’t know exactly what it refers to? In this article we want to tell you what each of these concepts refers to and what is the best way to project a business in relation to the new digital needs that are setting the pace of the corporate world today. Our purpose is to accompany these changes so that our clients can adapt to new technologies and thus increase their competitiveness and provide excellent results to their users.


Normally, in relation to businesses, this word refers to the possibility of taking the activities of a company, evaluate them in detail, review the links between them and the overall structure of the organization, and from there make a business operation model. Then, already with this model, we can take a software tool that allows the activities to always go through this software, so that communication between activities and people in charge becomes digital and automatic.

The ultimate goal of this is that the processes are developed automatically as far as possible. In cases where the action of a person is required, the system guarantees speed and a timely response to each requirement.

Therefore, automation means transforming the business model from a mechanical base to a digital base that works on software solutions that interconnect all the company’s information in virtual networks. Among other things, this vision means that processes can be tracked and measured more effectively so that continuous improvement becomes a clear business reality.

Automating processes saves time and allows resources to be diverted elsewhere. It means companies can remain smaller and more agile. Increased efficiency, productivity and lower costs all translate to healthier profit margins for businesses – both small and large. The extent to which automation transforms the economy at large remains to be seen, but it appears inevitable that we’re headed toward a future of more automation. (


For some years now we have been hearing more and more about hyperautomation, but it is still not clear what this concept refers to. In a first approximation, the most obvious thing we can say is that it is about bringing the automation processes described above to their maximum capabilities. This is, in the first place, hyperautomation means automating the entire corporate operation.

However, if this were the case, this idea would not be so valuable, because it is necessary to understand that not all companies can upgrade all their processes, because not all forms of processes can be automated. For example, human contact in customer service in certain types of sensitive services is still necessary, so automating them would be a big corporate mistake. There are many other examples like this

So, what is hyperautomation? This concept refers to the need to automate not everything, but everything that can be automated. This is meant to highlight the fact that hyperautomation is not an indiscriminate pursuit of technology at all costs, but a cautious way of understanding the business and determining how technology can come into contact with it in order to give it a truly improved form.

Gartner, the business technology expert, defines it as follows:

Hyperautomation is a business-driven, disciplined approach that organizations use to rapidly identify, vet and automate as many business and IT processes as possible. Hyperautomation involves the orchestrated use of multiple technologies, tools or platforms, including:

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Machine learning

Event-driven software architecture

Robotic process automation (RPA)

Business process management (BPM) and intelligent business process management suites (iBPMS)

Integration platform as a service (iPaaS)

Low-code/no-code tools

Packaged software

Other types of decision, process and task automation tools (

The question then is: should I pursue a process of hyperautomation or start with one of automation? As can be seen from what has been said, this is actually a false question: hyperautomation is simply a smarter and more purposeful form of automation, but it is still part of the same process of transition to digitality in business. For this reason, it is not really important whether to opt for automation or for its intensification, but to understand that it is essential to make a careful analysis of the business to know how and where technology can really bring benefits and not become a factor of unnecessary expenses or confusion in the work team.

It is for this reason that at Dexon Software, in addition to offering our automation solutions (Business Process Management), we seek to accompany our customers to discover the deep structures of their business. Only from there we can start an intelligent implementation of technology for business improvement. The results have shown us that this is the right way to do it, because every business is different and so are its needs. We want hyperautomation for our users, but a really intelligent and careful one. 

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