BPM tools are a fundamental solution for the continuous improvement of a company

Every manager knows that for improving processes in a company you need a continual feedback of the activities. With this permanent revision on how are the strategies behaving it is possible to easily identify the exact spots in which the delays are produced, where the response is not the adequate, where there are cuts in the communication, misunderstandings, wrong answers, information loss, etc.

For making a clear identification of these difficulties there is also the need for a mechanism that allows the complete sight of the process and its division in key parts, this is, we need a map that can easily and effectively navigated. The process design, offered by the Busines Process Management solution is the appropriate tool for having this panoramic of the operation. For this reason, the continual improvement process is one of the most improved ones with BPM.

There are, in addition some other aspects that make PBM to be an essential tool for continual improvement. To have a map and a scheme of processes and their behavior is important, but it is just a part of it; once the difficulties and those deficient places in the company have been identified, the manager have to talk to those in charge of the activities to find out what are they failing on, or what are the kind of mistakes made, and then find solutions for that.

A problem for this is that it is possible that this person in charge doesn’t really know why is he or she exactly failing, or they simply reject the observation made and state that the responsibility for that is not on them. Thus, a tool for generating transparency in activities and in response times is also essential. The automation brought by BPMS has this exact transparency, because it not only automatizes the whole process, but also keeps a continual record of what is being done, communicated, decided. With this tool the talk with employees is simpler and the possibility of it becoming a discussion is reduced.

Transparency and good communication

BPMS solution automates processes. What does this mean? It means that the activities in the operation are linked together in a system that sends notifications and keeps a record of all the activities according to the design made from the very beginning of the operation. BPMS system is like a central intelligence, useful for organizing and orchestrating the actions of the people involved (Weske, 2012). This is why is keeps an evidence of all the answers of the people in charge of tasks, and store a record of the exact time a request is asked for, the time of response, the message sent or the activity developed, and the consequences of this specific action.

To sum up, BPM stores all the information coming from the development of the operation itself for it to be used and checked at any needed time. So, it can be used as evidence for the improvement requests possibly made to people in charge.

With this resource communication becomes highly efficient and is based on reproduceable evidences from which concrete and practical improvements can be developed, and these are the ones that really impact positively the service quality given by the organization. This is then an intelligent way of monitoring and leading.


This kind of improvement can be seen also among employees, and not only between employees and managers. As BPM has a record of all the activities, it is possible to implement the solution in such a way that all the people involved can actually see how are the activities being developed. This produces a higher commitment in everyone, because each person knows that all the team is aware of their responses, the effectiveness of the activities and the fastness of the individual performance.

The teamwork gets strengthened by this because everyone knows what is being done by everyone else and this public knowledge can help each person to feel valued and included in a process, and can feel their actions have an important role within the totality of the process.

BPM becomes essential for generation visibility to every person in the process, so everyone can know how is the operation going, and from there being able to improve the individual activity; and also for being sure that everyone else is seeing the individual actions, inviting a better development of the activity.

Management vision and organizational culture are important in this sense, because it is essential to adapt the solution in such a way that the information each person has in their reach is actually useful for generating this team momentum and not to take it as a reason for competition and rivalry.

But visibility is indeed key in a successful teamwork: 

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